The little robot at the blender-lake was my first work I did in Blender with the intention to create an image I am satisfied with (everything before was just testing). I started from the idea of integrating a blender-logo into a scene, and it seemed manifest to me to turn the blue middle part of it as a lake. The orange part then was the path around it, ironically being much bigger than the lake itself. And as an object to make the scene more interesting, I chose a roboter which is fishing there, ignoring the fact that the probability of a success is rather minimal in this lake.

So my first sketch was that:


Then I started adding grass with the old particle system of blender (the new one didn’t exist yet). To make it a bit more realistic, I made the lake look more like water, and the orange area look more like a tiled path or area. To hide the horizon (I didn’t really know how I should model the horizon at that time), I also added some rocks in the background.

While doing all this, I tried to get in the direction of realism, although I knew well that I wouldn’t succed when aiming for full photorealism at that time.

The result of these improvements was that:

first detail

To make the front more interesting, I added some rocks there, too (and small mushrooms). Because the sky was an empty area, I added the blender-internal stars (ugly, I know) and a moon. Then I started playing around with grass, light and some materials until I liked the result. It looked like this:

(like all my finished work, you can watch it in my gallery, too)

All in all, it is not really a “perfect image”, but I’m quite satisfied with the results except for some smaller things I don’t like. What helped me very much was the support from the forum (, making it easier to find out where the problems and bad areas are and also offering support if I didn’t know how to realise something.

Perhaps this image was the reason why I stayed with blender and why it became my favourite hobby.

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