Blender F1 – week 1/8

After one week of work, I wanted to show how far I got with my Formula One racer. I stated drawing some little sketches of how it could look like, trying different things, and then asked myself and asked in the forum which one was the best.

sketch #4 for Blender F1 Challenge '09
sketch #4 for Blender F1 Challenge ’09

From these 3 sketches, the second one seemed to appeal to most of the people (not all, of course), while I liked the first one because it was more interesting in its shape. So what I tried to do was to adopt the style and the use of form of the second one to the first concept. Additionally, I had to go sure that the proportions became more realistic, because there was simply no space for the body of the pilot in the first concept. So I did an extremely rough sketch looking like this:

3D-sketch for the Blender F1 Challenge '09
3D-sketch for the Blender F1 Challenge ’09

Now that looked not that bad in my eyes, and so I started doing a quick sketch in Blender, clarifying the 3-Dimensional shape and giving a basis for the following modelling period. After some minor changes in the model, especially in the rear area of the racer, I am pleased with the result now and look forward to the main modelling phase now.

The materials will of course not stay that clean, neither will the background, but the basic shape will probably be very similar to the one in this 3D-sketch.

Now to all the others, doing great work while I am still at the very beginning:

To get an overview of what other participants are doing, I want to show you these (in my opinion) most promising WIPs after the first week:

As you see, there are quite a lot of really cool entries there already, but as a goal for the first Blender F1 Challenge in which I’m participating, I’ll try to get under the top five – which seems neither easy nor totally unmanageable to me.

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Julian Herzog Written by:

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